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Due to using a heavier watermark to combat image theft, I have added the option for you to purchase proofs with a lighter watermark. These are not for uploading to social media but to help you determine which are the best images for you to order. The purchase price of your proofs will be
credited to your account refunded when you place your main order...
As promised, a second copy of the gallery with a much lighter watermark. This is pay-to-view with the amount being added to your account which can be used in part payment of your order. If this new system works then I will reduce the watermark even more in the future...
I have just got to say that this is, by far, my most favourite show of the year so far. Not only was the weather just perfect, the venue stunning and the competitors brilliant but I met some really nice people who became customers for the first time. To top it off, I had the largest amount of web sales ever waiting for me by the time we had packed up and returned home.
A big thank you to Rhianna for doing all the showing, Charley for covering the dressage (a first for her) and Cathy for taking over the jumping when I had to print orders. I have put most of them on our Facebook page as a big thank you for supporting us...
After losing my internet connection at Barville and again when I got back to the office I realised my ftp settings had somehow got corrupted. Anyway, all images have now been finally uploaded. Ring 1 was kindly covered by Charley for me while I concentrated on the showing and between us we managed to clock up nearly 2000 images so I think we got most of you at some point...
Even though it was a Saturday, it didn't stop Colette's first summer show of the season from being busy. The promise of heavy rain didn't materialise either with only the lightest of showers lasting just a few minutes. With David's help we took nearly two thousand pictures which is why it took so long to upload. However, as promised, they are all up and ready for viewing. So, grab a coffee and choose some prints...
My last visit to Red Horse Dressage before Alec comes back and another 2000+ images to display. Don't forget your coupon code (found on my flyer) which gives you 25% off two or more tests - from any of the dressage shows...
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