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A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
I lost track of classes so I've put everyone into their own folder. The folder name is the time I took the first image of you...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
Some of the rosette presentation photos look dark because they were on the edge of the light spread. Most of these should be ok when processed but please contact me before ordering to be sure.
All orders will be processed tomorrow (Monday)
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
The light levels dropped quite quickly after Class 4 so I have limited Classes 5 & 6 to Facebook images & small prints only. Pics in Class 7 are unsellable!
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...
A Facebook album has been created for purchased images from this event...

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