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11 June, 2017 6:00 AM


I've not been able to sort the images into classes - just Show Jumping & Showing. I've split them further into groups of no particular time period to make it more manageable. In-hand and ridden showing are combined but they're all in chronological order. 

I have also not had time to cull any dodgy ones but I'll let you know if you order one...


Just a few images from the ridden showing clinic as I did mainly video. If you are interested in a video please drop me an e-mail...


Seeing as I had the sheet in front of me for all the entries, I thought I'd put them in the right order - bad idea!!
It took over 4 hours before I could even start uploading them. It was mainly due to some riders swapping places and getting me confused - it doesn't take much. Anyway, they're up now.  Tomorrow I will start on the videos. Once they are available, I will add them to the shopping cart and add a quick compilation to my Facebook page. I think I managed to get most of you.  If you are interested, drop me an e-mail... 


Please note that the class numbers here are slightly different to the original schedule due to extra classes being run...


Jenkey Farm is an amazing indoor venue for me because the light is superb when the sun makes an appearance. I was so impressed, I added a preview photo to the gallery - something I don't do very often.  It was also my first attempt to include video of each test using a remote high quality video camera - located right above the judge - so you can see your test from the judge's perspective. As of this moment, I have yet to review the results but if they are as good as I hope they are, then I will add them to the price list - stay tuned!! 

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